COPD And Pneumonia



We introduced the definition of Pneumonia and the causes briefly last week. So

What’s the main treatment for it ?

How to prevent the disease?

What’s the link between Pneumonia and COPD ?

Let’s discuss step by step

1.What’s the main treatment for it ?

The treatments depend on the type of the pneumonia and its severity.  Mild cases of pneumonia can usually be treated at home with antibiotics and plenty of rest and fluids. More severe cases may need hospital treatment.

Most important to keep in mind, we shall get plenty of rest and sleep and drink lots of fluids.

2.  How to prevent the disease?

Bacteria or viruses usually cause pneumonia, we shall take the steps to kill them or stay away from them

The most common used way is the vaccinations.Children get the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV) as a routine vaccination. Older adults (age 65 or older), people who smoke, and people who have some long-term (chronic) conditions also need the pneumococcal vaccine. Depending on age and other things, adults can get PCV or the pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPSV). Some adults need both types

Wash your handswith soap and water or alcohol-based rubs to kill germs.

Stop smoking. Smoking damages our lungs'ability to filter out and defend against germs.

Stay away from people who have colds, the flu, or other respiratory tract infections.

3. What’s the link between Pneumonia and COPD ?

Pneumonia and COPD work as a sort of a vicious circle in that one can greatly impact the other, making symptoms more severe and dangerous for the patient. COPD and pneumonia are known risk factors for respiratory failure so when you combine the two it is especially serious. COPD exacerbations are easy to be caused by bacterial infections.

In later stage of COPD, the symptoms of worsening COPD or an exacerbation and pneumonia are often quite similar. So inform the doctor about any changes for the symptoms is very important.

Common symptoms in COPD, which get worse in later stages and during exacerbations include:


shortness of breath

sputum production


chest tightness

Pneumonia causes all of the same symptoms as listed above, but can also cause:

high fever

chills and shaking

chest pain when coughing or breathing

More common in COPD exacerbations and pneumonia is:

inability to speak due to a lack of air

change in color of your mucus that could be green, tan, yellow, or bloody

high fever

inability to get your usual relief from your COPD medication

Regardless of whether you are experiencing a COPD exacerbation or have developed pneumonia, getting medical treatment as quickly as possibly is key. The sooner you are able to receive treatment and get your symptoms under control, the less damage that pneumonia is able to cause your lungs which are already damaged from COPD.  This damage can include inflammation that further limits your airflow and causes irreversible damage to your lung tissue. The most serious complication of pneumonia is respiratory failure. And the acute respiratory failure is one of the leading causes of concerns when a COPD patient develops pneumonia.
